Be GONE Resolutions…Hello, ONE WORD!
Why only One Word?
With a long line of resolutions, the crowd factor numbs the focus on change, and soon each idea merges with all the others and next thing you know, they all become one overwhelming list to be stuck in a drawer and forgotten until the New Year rolls around again.
This year, encouraged by several blog posts I decided to embrace the One Word concept. Choosing my Word took several days as I pondered various choices, “tried them on,” and prayed for wisdom.
Last year had its moments….sometimes I felt I was soaring….
only to find myself overturned and upside down….
wondering how the heck I was gonna get right-side up again.
Of course, always and forever, I was rescued by the Steadfast Love of the Lord…leading, comforting, embracing, waiting, encouraging and speaking into the deep places of my spirit I thought paralyzed in anguish.
And so, I believe My One Word for this year is FORWARD! I am choosing to move and to focus on a forward direction…onward…trusting the Lord to be by my side…always and forever…and no matter what 2017 brings…I’ll be able to cross that bridge with assurance!!
I pray each one of you finds your ONE WORD this year that will bring you peace of mind and joy in your heart! I’d love to hear what you choose! Let me know either in the comment section of this blog or on Facebook!!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
With love and faith,