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It’s a “canna” not a “cuppa”…..

Kate Barker

I had to make a quick stop at Orchard Nutrition yesterday.

I was tired and thirsty, and on the verge of cranky ! But there in the cold drink fridge was a little blue and white can. A “canna” iced tea ! Not any old iced tea, not that sweet stuff with wierd flavors, no, it was….Oolong iced tea !


I adore Oolong tea !! And ITO EN products ! This little “shot”, a small can, 6.4 fluid ounces, is

flavorful and tastes like an Oolong is supposed to….full bodied and toasty with an astringent finish. Copious amounts of antioxidants are found in black and green and oolong tea…all good for you !!


Ice cold, unsweetened, all natural and no calories, deliciously refreshing for the hot trip home !

May everyday be your cuppa ( or canna ) of tea !


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